Ashwini Ayurvedic Medical College & PG Centre conducted the Graduation Ceremony for the  graduates of 2018 batch.

The ceremony was held at Dr.Shyamasundar Buntara Bhavana on 14/09/2024 - Saturday.

The programme was inaugurated by lightning the lamp by chief guest and all the dignitaries, The pray song was sung by 1st phase BAMS students.

Welcome speech was given by Dr.Salma. H.

Principal note given by Dr. Gnaneswara. L.M .

The Real stars of the graduation ceremony the students were looking beautiful by wearing the graduation gown, the Oath taking delivered by Smt. Sumangala  Bhatt  to the graduates of 2018 batch.

The year highlights was given by  1st Phase BAMS Student Chandana

The graduates were distributed certificate by the Guests, Chairman & Principal ,followed by Group photo .

After the photo session , Guest speech by all the guests.

The presidential  speech given by the Dr. Mruthyunjay.N.Hiremath - Chairman AAMC & PGC.DVG.

Felicitation for Dr.Vijay kumar D M prof.Panchakarma  a renowned achiever's in Medical field.

Vote of thanks was delivered by Dr.Shashidhar.S.H.

Followed by Lunch.After lunch cultural activities were conducted by all BAMS Phase students.

            On 3rd Aug 2024 on the occasion of world Breast Feeding Week. From Department of Kaumarabhritya organized guest lecturer on topic. Ayurveda & Modern concepts of breast feeding. Guest speaker Dr. Raghavendra M.D consultant Neonatologist & Pediatrician Matru Chaaya modern concepts of Breath Feeding and Dr.Shweta. D professor at Tapovana Ayurveda medical college delivered lecturer on Ayurveda concept of breast feeding to the all the phases of B.A.M.S students in the presence of Dr.M.N Hiremath chairman & Dr. Gnaneshwara L.M Principal and program was organized by Dr. Virupaxayya Swami Associate professor & Dept of Kaumarabhritya, AMC Davangere.




                                         BAMS MD . PhD

                                                            PROFESSOR DEPT OF KAYA CHIKITSA






                                         BAMS MD  




On the occassion of Charaka Jayanti, In AAMC Davanagere Charaka Jayanti was Celebrated on 10/08/24. Programme was conducted by the Department of Ayurveda Samhita &Siddhanta, Organized by Dr.Priyanka.H.C Assistant Professor Dept. Ayurveda Samhita & Siddhanta.

The function was started by Welcoming the Guests Dr.JAYANTHI C & Dr.M.N.Hiremath Chairman, Dr. Muktha and Dr. Gneneshwara L M Principal AMC collegeDavangere. Function wasinaugurated by Guest by doing Pooja to Lord Dhanvantari and Acharya Charaka.The prayer song was sung by students. Followed by Samhita Patana and Introduction about Acharya Charaka was given by student ,followed by Guru Ashtakam and Ayurveda Avatarana Skit performance by Students, On the occasion of Charaka Jayanti previous day Dept. Samhita &Siddhanta conducted Shloka recitation and Essay writing competition on 08/08/24.The Prize distribution was done for winners during the Charakka Jayanti celebration. Followed by Guset introduction and Felicitation to Chief guestDr.Jayanthi. C Followed by Guest Speech .In the end Validactory function was done by Dr.Priyanka. After the completion of function Prasadavitarana was done.

Function  was conducted by the Department of Ayurveda Samhita &Siddhanta, Organized by Dr.Priyanka.H.C Assistant Professor Dept. Ayurveda Samhita &Siddhanta.The function was hosted by Spandana&Ananya. Welcome speech was given by Anusha, Prayer song by Nisarga and Team , Prize Disturbution was hosted by Anupama.GuruAshtakam by Pornima and Team, Samhita Patana by Modhini and Team. Skit was narrated by Spoorthi and acted by Karthik and Team. Chief guest introduction was given by Dr. M.N HiremathChairman , AAMC davanagere. Valedictory was done by Dr.Priyanka. The function was attended by the teaching staff, students.

    On 3rd August 2024 Angadan JAn Jagrukta Abhiyaan celebrated as Indian organ Donation Day in NOTTO platform in Ashwini ayurvedic medical College and pg centre davangere.All phase BAMS students attained the function followed by skit play by 1st BAMS students.



       On 12th August 2024 Ayurvisharada and Jeevaka Award ceremony organised.Himalaya drug company distributed awards to the toppers of 4th BAMS 2018 Batch Kallesh S.R , as 1st topper,  Suma mudappalavar and sneha MH as second topper in presence of chairman - Dr.MN Hiremath, chief Guest - Dr.veeresh S.Bandegolmath, chair person - Dr.Manjunath.S Himalaya manager scientific service Dr.Abhilasha A and co ordinator Dr.salma H.


     As part of curriculum to the II Phase BAMS students Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation training program was organized on 04/07/2024 by Department of Agada Tantra Evam Vidhi Vaidyaka.

Dr.VLS Kumar, First aid master trainer, National & South Asia disaster response team, Indian Red Cross Society was invited as a resource person to the training program.

Dr.VLS Kumar delivered an interactive lecture followed by Hands on training to the students.


         Dr Keerti Rotti Assistant Professor ,Ashwini Ayurvedic medical college Dept of Roganidana evum Vikriti vigyana with Students of second phase BAMS attended state level workshop on Naadi Pariksha Guest speaker- Naadi Guru Dr.Sanjay Chajed organised by Dept of Roganidana, Shree jagadguru Gavisidheshwara Ayurvedic medical college Koppal on 6/7/2024.

      On 19-06-2024 Dr. M.N. Hiremath & Shankarnarayan Chairman & Secretary along with Dr. Gnaneshwara L.M Principal, teaching staff honored to newly elected Davangere M.P Constitution Dr. Prabha Mallikarjun in the program. Smt Vanajakshamma on the be of management given token of graduated & Dr. Salma H on the be of teaching staff honored with grandland about 5 management members & 35 teaching staff attend the program.





      On 21-06-2024 “10th International Yoga Day Programme” was celebrated. Students along with staff of our college along with district administration, AYUSH department mass yoga performance was carried out at Government High School field, Davangere. The function was inaugurated by shri dr. Praba mallikarjun,M.P. Davanagere, Shri Shivacharya swamiji, Taralabalu Matt, District Commissioner, ZP CEO, D.A.O. Davanagere district. The same was attended by many schools colleges and general public. Yoga instruction was given by Yogi Channabasavanna, around 4000 people actively participated and performed Yoga. The function was a grand success.


       Dr.Pavan kumar G has attended and completed successfully the e development training programme in NIMSME Hyderabad, which was held on 17/06/2024 - 21/06/2024.

In training we were trained on:-

i)  Self employment

ii) Rural entrepreneurship

iii) Women entrepreneurship

iv) Business ideas


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