Dr Pavan Kumar G has attended the conference PRANA ( protecting rights and novelties in ASUS) conducted by NCISM, held in Delhi on 11/06/2024 -12/06/2024.


             Sum yoga inter College competition Chitradurga and Davangere district on 20.6.2024 Ashwini ayurvedic medical College and pg centre davangere students participated in different activities like

1.yoàga dance

2.yoga essay

3.yoga photography

4.yoga quiz

5.Individual yogas

2nd phase BAMS student’s bagged 1st prize in quiz competition 2nd prizes in yoga photography and essay competition.







        “World No Tobacco Day” was observed on May 31st 2024 over the Theme “Protecting children from tobacco industry interference” at City Corporation, Davanagere, with the purpose to raise awareness about the harmful influences of the tobacco industry on youth and was focused on advocating  for an end to the targeting of youth.

In collaboration with District Tobacco Control Cell, Davangere, our students of II BAMS and the staff participated in the programme and made it serve the purpose. The programme was attended by around 100 students.

The programme was inaugurated by Hon’ble District Judge Smt.Rajeshwari N Hegde and Poster inaugurated by Hon’ble member society District Legal Services Authority Sri Mahaveer M Karennavar, Hon’ble additional DC of Bellary Smt.Syeda Afreen Banu S, DHO Dr.Shanmukappa.S, DSO Dr.Nagendrappa, Health officer Dr.Chandramohan DM, Principal Ashwini Ayurvedic Medical College & PG Center Dr.Gnaneswara LM, Secretary VS Para Medical College Smt.Shwetha Raghunath.

The event was lead by Dr.Manjula MS, Associate Professor, Dept of Agada Tantra.


                  Ayu Whiz 5 second round quiz competition included cluster 6 held on 27th April 2024 at Ashwini ayurvedic medical College and P.G centre Davangere. In which 5 colleges include 2 students selected and participated from each college. Ashwini ayurvedic medical College Davangere ,Taranath govt ayurvedic medical College Bellary , S.S ayurvedic medical College Haveri , Bapuji ayurvedic medical College Challakere and Shri raghavendra ayurvedic medical College malladihalli.


       In our institution from 01-05-2024 to 06-05-2024 in this, events like Cricket, Volleyball, Throw ball, Carrom, Chess & Tennikoit game conducted for both Boys & Girls participated and made the events successful.

       The event was inaugurated by Dr.Gnaneshwara L.M Principal and Sports Co-ordinator Dr.Vishwanath & Dr.Pavan Kumar G teaching & Non teaching staff ‘s and 350 above students were participated and made the event successful .


            A Guest Lecture was conducted by from dept.of  Shalya Tantra and Kayachikitsa, On 28-03-2024  was conducted on GI EMERGENCIES by Dr. Adharch C.K, Cheif gastroenterologist, hepatologist and endoscopist.



      School Herbal Garden Project inaugurated at A.P.J Abdulkalam residential school, Kondajji, Harihara.


           "RACE FOR 7" Marathon was organised by Organisation for Rare Disease, India On 25/02/2024 with purpose to raise funds and awareness regarding rare disease and to empower the patients  and their families.

            The event was inaugurated by Smt. Deepa Shivakumar, Bsc & Sons and Presided by Dr. Nagendra M.B District Surgeon, Chigateri Hospital, Dr. Shanmukappa. S DHO, Dr. BT Achyutha, Dr.Suresh Hanagwadi President, Karnataka Haemophilia Society, Davangere, Sri Ravinarayan Retd.SP.

         In Collaboration  with Karnataka Haemophilia Society , Davangere, Our students of Ist BAMS and the staff Participated in the event and made the voice of Rare Disease patients  heard. Around 150 Volunteers participated in the event and made it serve the purpose.

         The event was lead by Dr. Manjula M S Asso. Prof. Dept of Agada Tantra, Under the guidance of Dr. Mrutyunjay N Hiremath, Chairman AMC & PG, Centre Davanagere.  

       World Cancer Day In Collaboration with District Health & Family Welfare Services, District Surveillance Unit, Davangere

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